Shipping & Delivery
Shipping Policy & FAQ's
- Estimated Dispatch & Delivery Timeframes
- Shipping Partners and Order Tracking
- Shipping Charges
- Multiple Item Orders
- Multiple Orders
- Delayed Delivery of Order
- Non Delivery of Order
- Accuracy of Account and Billing Information
Estimated Dispatch & Delivery Timeframes
- The Estimated Delivery Dates and Timeframes of the items are displayed on the item / product pages under the Add to Cart Button.
- After you place your order we will provide you with the estimated dispatch and delivery dates of your order in the Order Confirmation email / SMS.
- Once we dispatch your order , The Tracking Details of your order will be sent to you over e-mail and or SMS .
- Currently we are only offering Standard Delivery services for all orders .
- ** Due to overwhelming demand, orders placed with Standard Delivery may take longer than usual. We are working to get your orders across as soon as possible.
- The transit time is calculated using business days, meaning
- Saturday and Sunday don't count toward the transit time
- Public Holidays don't count toward the transit time (unless we've specifically offered a weekend delivery during checkout).
- Regional Holidays / Shutdowns don't count toward the transit time
- All the above days / holiday are also taken into account when calculating the approximate transit time.
- Note: If you live in an area experiencing an unexpected service delay (severe weather, natural disasters, scheduled / unscheduled events, festivals etc.), please add at least 3 to 4 business days to the estimated delivery date of your order . The order delivery may also be put on hold till normalcy is resumed in your delivery service area.
Shipping Partners and Order Tracking
To provide our customers with a consistent and reliable delivery experience , we ensure to ship our orders through Multiple Courier Partners of our choice .
- Your Shipped Order will be available with a specific Tracking ID / Tracking ID's ( in Case of Multi Item Orders) , with which you will be able to track your shipped order / orders .
- Once your order has been shipped / dispatched, to keep you informed of the status of your order, we will send you one confirmation e-mail of your purchase, and another one, once we have shipped your order.
- In this e-mail, we will indicate the estimated delivery date, the contents of your package and the delivery option and specific Tracking ID / Tracking ID's ( in Case of Multi Item Orders)
Shipping Charges
- The shipping charges on your order will be informed before your order is being placed at .
- The shipping charge would reflect on the shopping cart / payment page and before you make the payment .
The shipping charges are dependent on
1.) The Estimated Volume Weight of the Package in which your Ordered item / items , will be shipped / dispatched.
and or
2.) The Choice of Shipping delivery service made by you at the time of payment . ( Standard delivery or Expedited Delivery )
- Prices for our Shipping Services are subject to change without notice.
- We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time.
- In case of Returns and Refunds, where the order/s have been shipped , shipping charges paid for the orders are NOT refundable .
- In case of Order Cancellation and Refunds where the order/s have NOT BEEN SHIPPED , or the Order Cancellation is requested before shipping of the said order, the shipping charges paid for the orders will be refunded after the listed deductions as listed in the Returns and Refund Policy
- In case of Order Cancellation and Refunds where the order/s have BEEN SHIPPED , or the Order Cancellation is requested after shipping of the said order , the shipping charges paid for the orders will NOT be refunded as listed in the Returns and Refund Policy
Multiple Item Orders
- Depending upon the order loads and immediate availability of the different items in your order at our Fulfilment Centre, we may ship / dispatch the ordered items separately and in separate packages.
- This is done so you can receive the immediately available items at the earliest and not to delay your entire order shipment due to delayed availability of a few items in your order.
- In case we decide to ship the Multi Order shipment in different packages, you will not be charged any additional shipping charges than what you have paid at the time of checkout on shipping of these multiple packages.
Multiple Orders
- Items of Multiple orders placed by you , may be shipped together in the same package to facilitate a faster/ speedy delivery of your items .
- The shipping charges as charged and paid in separate orders for such multiple orders as charged separately will still be applicable irrespective of the fact that the multiple items have been / may be shipped together to you and will not be refunded or reimbursed , as the charges are for the cumulative volumetric weight basis of the items ordered shipped in the larger sized package to accommodate all the items .
- Alternatively you may add all the items you wish to order in the same cart , and pay the cumulative charges for shipping as applicable at checkout in a single order .
Delayed Delivery of Order
- You'll be provided an estimated shipping or delivery date for each shipment on the order summary e-mail. An estimated delivery date (or date range) will also appear in Your Orders after you've placed your order.
- Delivery estimates are calculated by taking the estimated shipping date and adding the transit time (the time it takes a package to travel from our facilities to your destination address), based on the shipping speed you've chosen.
- The transit time is calculated using business days, meaning
- Saturday and Sunday don't count toward the transit time
- Public Holidays don't count toward the transit time (unless we've specifically offered a weekend delivery during checkout).
- Regional Holidays / Shutdowns don't count toward the transit time
- All the above days / holiday are also taken into account when calculating the approximate transit time.
- Note: If you live in an area experiencing an unexpected service delay (severe weather, natural disasters, scheduled / unscheduled events, festivals etc.), please add at least 3 to 4 business days to the estimated delivery date of your order . The order delivery may also be put on hold till normalcy is resumed in your delivery service area.
Non Delivery of Order
- If the estimated delivery date has passed and you still haven't received your order, please contact us within a maximum of 7 days from the expiry of provided estimated delivery timelines to track your package.
- If you cannot find your order in Your Account, it's possible that you may not have completed the checkout process. Click the Cart button on the top right corner of any of our pages and check if your items are still in your cart.
- If yes, click Proceed to Checkout to begin the purchase process.
- If you can't find your product in Your Account or in your Cart, it's possible that you may have placed your order using an account associated with a different e-mail address.
- If your order/s is not delivered within the provided estimated delivery timelines of the said order/s, in such an instance you agree to intimate us about non delivery of such an order/s within a maximum of 7 days from the expiry of provided estimated delivery timelines of the order/s under consideration , for tracking your order/s , or refunds in the eventuality of the order /s package being lost / untraceable / returned to shipper. If such an intimation of non delivery of an order is not received by us within a maximum of 7 days from the expiry of provided estimated delivery timelines , such order/s will be considered as delivered . Any claim of non-delivery of orders after 7 days from the expiry of provided estimated delivery timelines will not be considered as valid claims and will be rejected and will not be eligible for any returns or refunds
Accuracy of Account and Billing Information
- We reserve the right to refuse any order you place with us.
- We may, in our sole discretion, limit or cancel any orders and quantities purchased per person, per household or per order.
- These restrictions may include orders placed by or under the same customer account, the same credit card, and/or orders that use the same billing and/or shipping address. In the event that we make a change to or cancel an order, we may attempt to notify you by contacting the e-mail and/or billing address/phone number provided at the time the order was made. The Delivery Address and Details of an order can only be changed before the dispatch of your orders . Once your order is dispatched and are in transit , their delivery address and details cannot be changed .To make any such changes before your order is dispatched you may contact our team by either of the methods provided on the contact page .
- We reserve the right to cancel or limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole judgment, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers, dropshippers or distributors.
- If you have used Cash on Delivery as a payment method, Your Order will be verified by our executives over the mobile number that you have provided.3 attempts will be made to verify your COD order, till 1 day after you have placed your order. Your order will only be shipped after phone verification is successfully completed.
- In case phone verification is unsuccessful, your COD Order will be cancelled & you will be intimated of the same over email provided to us . Cash on Delivery is not yet available for all pin codes. Currently we cannot deliver orders to PO Box numbers.
- If there's no physical address to deliver your order, the order will be auto cancelled. COD orders are currently limited to Order value limits.
- Any COD orders above these limits will be auto cancelled. The order amount has to be paid in full before receiving the package and signing the delivery sheet.
- The COD package should be opened before the payment is made to verify the contents of the package at the time of taking the delivery.
- We reserve the right to refuse any COD order you place with us without any prior intimation.
- You agree to provide current, complete and accurate purchase and account information, including complete billing and shipping addresses and mandatory valid and complete mobile phone number for all purchases made at our store. You agree to promptly update your account and other information, including your email address and credit card numbers and expiration dates, so that we can complete your transactions and contact you as needed.
- In case any of the above information is not provided by you or is incompletely provided at the time of placement of order, we reserve the right to cancel your order at any stage of the order cycle with / without any prior intimation.
- In case any of the above information is not provided by you or is incompletely provided at the time of placement of order, and the shipping partner/s are unable to deliver such order/s on account of incomplete and or inaccurate shipping address , these order will be cancelled and the refunds for such orders will be processed after deductions of the forward and return shipping and all the charges as listed in the Returns and Refund Policy .